Conceptual Sensors Testing Framework for Autonomous Vehicles

This paper highlights a conceptual sensors testing framework for autonomous vehicles. This framework is part of the efforts by the Advanced Mobility Institute (AMI) at Florida Polytechnic University to establish a state-of-the-art sensors testing facility for autonomous vehicles. The conceptual sensors testing framework will address the different types of sensors and communication schemes related to autonomous vehicles and provide a versatile approach to perform testing scenarios in a way similar to what happens in the physical world.

Development of Sensors Testbed for Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous Vehicle (AV) technology has the potential to provide enormous value to society. Thus, there is an urgent need to build comprehensive testing technology to prove efficacy under all environmental conditions of interest. In this paper, we will present the first step towards developing a comprehensive testbed for autonomous vehicles (AV) sensors testing and verification with a focus on the radar systems in the presence of rain. We will demonstrate the response of the radar systems onboard AVs based on multiple simulated scenarios. The simulated framework involves radars, target objects, and a stationary vehicle at specific environmental conditions using Matlab.